November 5, 2008

Election 2008

Very mixed emotions from people I have spoken to today regarding the election of our next president. The ones of us who suffered through the JFK and Jimmy Carter years are more than a little skeptical about the outcome of this one. Not that I could say that I was 100% behind John McCain but the issues being spouted by "Barama" are just way too out there for me.

Our country was founded on Christian principles and we have been considered the greatest country in the world for hundreds of years. Everyone wanted to come here to live and that was OK if those people came here to work and make a life, however, in the last decade or so the integrity of our country has been compromised. We are now more a country of people who expect to be taken care of.......I see it every day in my industry. We are an entitlement society.

Now we have elected a person who proclaims to be an American but he must be of the new breed of American because in my America the president will salute our flag, put his hand over his heart when the national anthem is played and honors the fighting men and women over which he is commander-in-chief.

It seems that our younger generation is OK with our country becoming a socialist nation. National health care....what a joke. Why do people from other countries want to come here for medical care if the care in their country is so great? Why are the members of the younger generations expecting the government to take care of them? What happened to working for the things you want and the life you want to lead? I have worked hard since I was 18 years old to be able to have the things I want in life. Somehow it seems really unfair that government thinks that my hard earned income should be mega taxed to pay for freebie programs for people who don't want to work. Many people come to our country, work hard and become very successful. People who are born in this country seem to have a hard time with the concept of hard work for what they want....they have a gimme for free attitude.

Sorry to be such a downer on this post but I am truly blue today. Hopefully tomorrow will be be a better day for me.


*pal said...

it will be. i promise. i am not okay with socialized medicine, or not working hard to gain success, or redistributing my wealth.
but, i do think the country has given him a mandate. it remains to be seen what he will do, and how.
DC is now controlled entirely by the democrats. it is their time to make it work. if they don't, they had their shot and i'm confident we will elect people who will. xo

Anonymous said...

I agree with you sis. It is now tomorrow and I hope you are feeling better today. I thought about what our sweet Grandmama use to say and that is, "everything happens for a reason". I have relied on those words of wisdom many times in my life. She use to say that we may not know the reason or understand the reason, but there is a reason. God knows the big picture and we don't. And I also believe that things happen as they are suppose to, when they are suppose to. I just think we really have to rely on our faith in God right now and know that because of him and our faith, that we will be okay. It is hard though knowing what we lived through before (Carter years) and knowing that we may have to go through that again. It was so hard back then! I specifically remember in 1980 when the gov't sent funds down to Lowndes County one summer to buy air conditioners for the "poor". I say "poor" because I worked in banking at the time and most of the "poor" were those who could have worked but chose welfare instead. Most were just as capable to work as I was. I saw it with my own eyes. Used your and my tax dollars while I was living in a house that had no air conditioner, couldn't sleep at night because it was so hot and couldn't afford to buy an a/c at the time. I was soooooo angry!!! I was working two jobs at the time, paying in mega taxes with each paycheck and still owed the IRS money at tax time. I hate it but I think the younger voters are going to have to live through what we did before they can understand how we feel. It's very depressing but I've decided to hope for the best. It's out of our control, so all we can do is do the best we can and move forward. You need to go ahead and retire anyway and get yourself down to Fort Meyers where you want to be. Maybe the silver lining in this for you will be that it will be the catalyst that makes you move on! Just remember, it could ALWAYS be worse ... by the grace of God we still live free and still are so very blessed! Love you much! J

Kristi said...

I agree with you 100%. For me, it is an embarassing thought that my generation was the driving force behind him. I wasn't for McCain totally, either. Just have to hope that God will take care of our family - I'm not so sure that He will be taking care of America for much longer...

Keysgal@QuietWater said...

I was talking with a guy in my office today and as we were discussing the election it occurred to me that perhaps people who were not around in the 70s (at least as adults) may need this reality check. I do remember that after Jimmy Carter had been in office for 18 months everyone was ready for a "change" and you could hardly find anyone who would admit voting for him. Time will tell....